Massage Pressure Monsters: More pressure, please? Not so fast!

Hey, pressure monsters, listen up! It’s time to talk about the dangers of asking your massage therapist for too much pressure during a deep tissue massage. Whether you are getting a massage at home or at a spa, despite what you may think, more pressure is not always better. In fact, it can cause more harm than good.

First of all, too much pressure can exacerbate existing injuries or pain problems. If you have an area of your body that is already injured, applying too much can make it worse. Additionally, excessive amounts can cause muscles to brace and resist, which can actually make it harder for your therapist to work the deep layers of your muscles.
Another danger of asking for too much pressure during a deep tissue massage is that it can cause rhabdomyolysis, although rare. It is a condition where too much protein is released into the bloodstream from crushed muscle, which can lead to kidney damage or failure. It is not a risk you want to take just to feel a little extra pressure during your massage.

But it’s not just about avoiding dangers – it’s also important to be relaxed in order for your therapist to work the deep layers of your muscle effectively. When you’re tense and resisting the pressure, it’s harder for your therapist to get to those deep layers and really work out the knots and tension.
So, pressure monsters, the next time you’re getting a deep tissue massage, remember that more pressure does not always equal a better massage. Now that does not mean you should settle for a bad massage. However, you do want to be relaxed and open to the therapist’s touch in order for them to get to those deep layers and work out the kinks. So, be patient before you say, more pressue, please? Trust us – your muscles will thank you for it.